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Glosses (270)
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ᓰᐱᑖᔮᔅᑯᐦᐄᑭᓐ siipitaayaaskuhiikin
method of cooking a de-boned beaver by stretching it into a square shape on four sticks

ᓰᐱᑌᔮᔅᑯᐦᐋᐧᐹᓐ siipiteyaaskuhaapwaan
method of cooking a boned beaver by stretching it into a square shape on four sticks

ᓰᐱᑌᔮᔅᑯᐦᐄᑲᓐ siipiteyaaskuhiikan
method of cooking a de-boned beaver by stretching it into a square shape on four sticks like a kite

ᓰᐱᑖᔮᔅᑯᐦᐄᐧᐹᓐ siipitaayaaskuhiipwaan
method of cooking a deboned beaver by stretching it into a square shape on four sticks

ᐱᑯᔥᑭᑖᔑᑭᓐ pikushkitaashikin
front part of the beaver with the tail attached, in order to cook it or to hang it to dry

ᓰᐱᑖᔮᔅᑯᐦᐋᐧᐹᓐ siipitaayaaskuhaapwaan
method of cooking a deboned beaver by stretching it into a square shape on four sticks

ᐅᐧᐄᔥᑎᒥᐦᑭᐧᐋᐤ uwiishtimihkiwaau
s/he dedicates the beaver lodge to him/her (this is done when a hunter discovers a beaver lodge, and he takes one stick chewed by the beaver, and brings it to the person who he thinks will bring luck for a successful beaver hunt)

ᐋᐳᑎᓈᐤ aaputinaau
beaver prepared by removing bones so flesh is in one piece, sewn close, turned inside out, blown up so it is round, and cooked on a string

ᐧᐃᑎᓂᐦᐄᐹᐤ witinihiipaau
s/he pulls the twine attached to the fish net to check it in winter, s/he sits and waits at the beaver net in order to get the beaver as it gets caught

ᐧᐋᔅᑳᔅᒋᓂᒻ waaskaaschinim
s/he makes a circle around the trap with poles leaving a space for the beaver to swim through

ᐧᐋᔅᐧᑳᐦᑖᒥᐧᐄᔥᑎᐆ waaskwaahtaamiwiishtiuu
it is the back of the beaver lodge inside directly opposite from the entrance

ᐧᐋᔅᐧᑳᐦᑖᒥᔥᑐᐧᐃᑯᐦᒡ waaskwaahtaamishtuwikuhch
[p, location]
the back of the beaver lodge opposite to the door side

ᐱᓯᐦᐊᒑᔪᐧᐃᓯᒻ pisihachaayuwisim
s/he removes the covering of the beaver, muskrat tail by heat or hot water

ᐹᐦᑭᒥᓂᑭᓐ paahkiminikin
hole in the ice where the water surface is cleared in order to detect beaver activity

ᑰᓂᔥᑎᐦᒑᐤ kuunishtihchaau
it (anim, beaver, muskrat) makes its lodge in late fall using mud and snow

ᐧᑳᔅᐧᑳᐳᑎᓈᐤ kwaaskwaaputinaau
beaver prepared by removing bones so flesh is in one piece, turned inside out and cooked on a string beside an open fire

ᒥᓂᔅᒋᐧᑳᓈᐦᑭᓲ minischikwaanaahkisuu
it (anim, beaver) is cooked so tender that the head falls off

ᓂᑑᓂᒫᐦᑖᐤ nituunimaahtaau
s/he checks the beaver trap for signs of activity around the area of the trap

ᓂᐦᑖᐅᓲᐦᐧᑳᐦᐊᒻ nihtaausuuhkwaaham
s/he taps the ice and finds it easy to detect where the beaver tunnels by the sound of the ice

ᓈᐧᑖᐹᒋᓂᒻ naatwaapaachinim
two beaver dams close to the lodge because of another lodge close by

ᓱᔅᑯᔅᒋᓂᒻ suskuschinim
s/he attaches the beaver trap on a forked stick and leans it into the water

ᓲᐦᐧᑳᐦᐊᒻ suuhkwaaham
s/he checks using ice chisel to listen for hollow sounds where there could be beaver tunnels under the ice

ᐁᔅᒉᐤ escheu
s/he does everything necessary to catch a beaver at its lodge using a net (find the lodge, prepare the place for the net, have someone watch the net, bang the top of the lodge to get the beaver out, and catch him)

ᐋᐳᑎᓈᐤ aaputinaau
beaver with bones removed for cooking, flesh is in one piece, turned inside out, and cooked on a string

ᐧᐄᑑ wiituu
beaver anus, including surrounding fat, after it has been removes and turned inside out

ᐧᐋᔅᑳᔅᒋᓇᒻ waaskaaschinam
s/he places sticks around it (ex trap, leaving a space for the beaver to swim through)

ᐸᐦᐳᔨᐦᐧᐁᔑᒣᐤ pahpuyihweshimeu
s/he dries the water off its (anim, beaver only) fur by sweeping it on the snow, grass

ᐸᐦᐴᑕᐧᐁᔑᒣᐤ pahpuutaweshimeu
s/he dries the water off its (anim, ex any animal) fur by sweeping it on the snow, grass

ᐹᔅᒋᐦᐧᑫᐧᔐᐤ paaschihkweshweu
s/he cuts it (anim, beaver) accidentally when skinning it and blood comes out on the pelt

ᐹᐦᑲᒥᓂᑲᓐ paahkaminikan
hole cleared on surface of ice in order to later detect beaver activity

ᑖᐦᑲᐧᐋᓈᐦᑎᒄ taahkawaanaahtikw
marker placed through snow into water which, if moved, indicates that beaver is present

ᒌᓂᐧᑳᓂᔮᐱᐦᒉᐦᐧᐁᐤ chiinikwaaniyaapihchehweu
s/he spins it (anim, beaver, goose) on a string cooking beside an open fire, stove

ᓂᑑᒥᔅᐧᑫᐱᒎ nituumiskwepichuu
s/he scouts the area in winter to find out the number of beaver lodges

ᓂᑑᓂᒣᐦᑖᐤ nituunimehtaau
s/he checks the beaver trap for signs of activity around the area of the trap

ᓂᐦᑖᐅᓲᐦᐧᑫᐦᐊᒻ nihtaausuuhkweham
s/he finds it easy to hear where the beaver tunnels are under the ice

ᓯᑖᒥᔅᑯᐦᐧᐁᐤ sitaamiskuhweu
s/he pins, holds it (anim, ex beaver) down against the bottom of the river, lake with something