- ᒉᐧᑳᓐ ᒣᓯᓇᑌᒡ
- ᐄᓅᐤ ᐊᔨᒧᐧᐃᓐ
- ᐁᐦ ᑲᑕᑕᐹᓂᓯᓇᐦᐄᑲᓄᐧᐃᐦᐧᑳᐤ ᐄᓅᐤ ᐊᔨᒧᐧᐃᓐᐦ
- ᐄᔨᔫ / ᐄᓅᔨᒨᓐᐦ (English)
- Parts of speech
- Word
- Credits
- ᐧᐄᒋᐦᐄᐧᐁᐧᐃᓐ
- How to use this dictionary
ᒉᒄ ᐊᔨᒧᐧᐃᓐ ᐧᐋ ᐋᐸᒋᐦᑖᔨᓐ᙮
ᐧᐁᔦᔨᐦᑦᐦ ᐁ ᐄᔨᔫ / ᐄᓅᔥᑌᒡ, roman, French ᓀᔥᑦ English.
ᐁᑎᑑ ᐧᐄ ᓈᓂᑑᑲᒋᔅᒉᔨᐦᑕᒪᓀ, ᑖᐦᒋᓐᐦ᙮ ᑖᓐ ᐊᓐ ᐧᐁᐦᒉᒡ ᒉ ᐅᑎᓂᒪᓐ ᑖᓐ ᓀᑐᐧᐁᔨᐦᑕᒪᓐ᙮
ᒌᔅᒌᓐ (ᑖᐦᑲᐦᐊᐦ) ᐊᓐ ᒉ ᓈᓂᑕᐧᐁᔨᐦᑕᒨᒪᑲᐦᒡ.
ᒣᓯᓇᐦᐄᒉᐸᔨᐦᑖᔨᓐᐦ ᐄᔨᔫ/ᐄᓅ ᐊᔨᒧᐧᐃᓐᐦ:
ᑦᐦ ᓂᑑᐧᐁᔨᐦᑕᒪᓀ ᒪᓯᓇᐦᐄᒉᐸᔨᐦᑖᐦ t-h
ᔅᐦ ᓂᑑᐧᐁᔨᐦᑕᒪᓀ ᒪᓯᓇᐦᐄᒉᐸᔨᐦᑖᐦ s-h
ᑉᐦ ᓂᑑᐧᐁᔨᐦᑕᒪᓀ ᒪᓯᓇᐦᐄᒉᐸᔨᐦᑖᐦ p-h
ᐱᔮᐸᔨᐦᐧᑳᐤᐦ ᐊᔨᒧᐧᐃᓐᐦ, ᒉ ᑖᐦᑲᐦᐊᒪᓐ ᐊᓐ ᐧᐁᐦᒉᒡ ᒦᓐ ᐁᑎᑑ ᐧᐋ ᓈᓂᑑᑲᒋᔅᒉᔨᐦᑕᒪᓐ᙮
ᐧᐋᐸᐦᑕᒪᓀ ᐁᑳ ᑯᐃᔅᒄ ᐃᒋᔥᑌᒡ, ᓀᔥᑦ ᒫᒃ ᐁᑳ ᐃᐦᑕᑯᐦᐧᑳᐤᐦ ᐊᔨᒧᐧᐃᓐᐦ, ᒉ ᐧᐄᐦᑕᒧᐧᐃᐧᑖᐤ ᐊᓂᒌ ᐊᐧᐁᓂᒌ ᑳ ᑯᐃᔅᑯᓯᓇᐦᐊᐧᑳᐤ᙮ (ayimuwin@eastcree.org).
ᐄᑖᐱᐦᑖᐤ N
vii stem: long aa

the smoke is going in a certain direction
la fumée va dans une certaine direction
ᓈᔥᑎᔨᒡ ᓂᒥ ᐹᒋ ᐄᑖᐱᐦᑖᐤ ᐅᑖᐦ ᐋᐦ ᒌᐦ ᐅᐦᒋᑳᐳᐧᐃᐦᐋᑦ ᐊᓂᔮᐦ ᒥᔥᑎᒄᐦ᙮
naashtiyich nimi paachi iitaapihtaau utaah aah chiih uhchikaapuwihaat aniyaah mishtikwh.
The smoke did not come this way, because he had put up the trees (as a shelter) here.
La fumée ne venait pas dans sa direction, parce qu'il avait installé des arbres là (pour en faire un abri).