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ᐱᒑᐃᒃ N
p [time ]
just now, at the moment, only just now
à ce moment-là, maintenant, sur le point de
ᐱᒑᐃᒃ ᑳ ᐧᐄᐦ ᑖᐦᒋᔥᑖᔮᓐ ᓂᑏᐅᔅᒋᐦᒄ᙮
pichaaik kaa wiih taahchishtaayaan nitiiuschihkw.
I was only just now going to put on the tea kettle.
J'étais justement sur le point d'allumer la bouilloire.
Glosses (4)
moment (N:3 S:2)

now (N:6 S:8)

maintenant (N:4 S:8)

moment (N:6 S:11)

Topics (1)
ᑖᐃᔥᐱᔥ (N:105 S:130)