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ᐄᒉ (iiche)
out of the way, aside

ᐄᒉᐦᑌᐤ (iichehteu)
s/he walks out of the way, to one side

ᐄᒉᐦᑕᑖᐤ (iichehtataau)
s/he takes it out of the way, to one side

ᐄᒉᐦᑖᐤ (iichehtaau)
s/he takes some of it out of the way, to one side

ᐄᒉᐧᐁᐱᓀᐤ (iichewepineu)
s/he throws him/her aside

ᐄᒉᐧᐁᐱᓇᒧᐧᐁᐤ (iichewepinamuweu)
s/he throws it aside for him/her

ᐄᒉᐧᐁᐱᓇᒻ (iichewepinam)
s/he throws it aside

ᐄᒉᐧᐁᐱᔥᑯᐧᐁᐤ (iichewepishkuweu)
s/he pushes him/her away, aside by foot

ᐄᒉᐧᐁᐱᔥᑲᒻ (iichewepishkam)
s/he pushes, knocks it away, aside with his foot

ᐄᒉᐧᑳᔥᑯᐦᑑ (iichekwaashkuhtuu)
s/he jumps out of the way, aside

ᐄᒉᐴ (iichepuu)
s/he sits aside

ᐄᒉᐸᐦᑖᐤ (iichepahtaau)
s/he runs aside

ᐄᒉᐸᔨᐦᐆ (iichepayihuu)
s/he steps aside quickly

ᐄᒉᑎᐦᑎᐱᓀᐤ (iichetihtipineu)
s/he rolls it (anim) aside

ᐄᒉᑎᐦᑎᐱᓇᒻ (iichetihtipinam)
s/he rolls it aside

ᐄᒉᑎᔑᓀᐤ (iichetishineu)
s/he pushes him/her away, aside

ᐄᒉᑎᔑᓇᒻ (iichetishinam)
s/he pushes it away, aside

ᐄᒉᑎᔕᐦᐊᒻ (iichetishaham)
s/he sends it away from nearby

ᐄᒉᑎᔕᐦᐧᐁᐤ (iichetishahweu)
s/he sends him/her away, s/he tells him/her to move away, aside

ᐄᒉᑕᐦᐁᐤ (iichetaheu)
s/he walks him/her out of the way

ᐄᒉᑳᐴ (iichekaapuu)
s/he stands out of the way

ᐄᒉᓀᐤ (iicheneu)
s/he puts him/her aside by hand

ᐄᒉᓇᒧᐧᐁᐤ (iichenamuweu)
s/he moves it aside for him/her

ᐄᒉᓇᒻ (iichenam)
s/he puts it aside by hand

ᐄᒉᓲ (iichesuu)
s/he gets out of the way

ᐄᒉᔅᐧᑫᔫ (iicheskweyuu)
s/he moves his/her head out of the way, aside

ᐄᒉᔑᓐ (iicheshin)
s/he moves to the side while lying down

ᐄᒉᔥᑖᐤ (iicheshtaau)
s/he moves, gets it out of the way, aside

ᐄᒉᔥᑯᐧᐁᐤ (iicheshkuweu)
s/he pushes him/her away, aside with the body, feet

ᐄᒉᔥᑲᒻ (iicheshkam)
s/he pushes it aside with the body, feet

ᐄᒋᐦᑐᐧᐋᐤ (iichihtuwaau)
it forks

ᐄᒋᐦᑑᐧᑫᔮᐤ (iichihtuukweyaau)
it is a river that has two outlets

ᐄᒋᐦᑑᑲᔐᐤ (iichihtuukasheu)
it has split, divided hooves

ᐄᒋᐦᑑᑲᔥᐧᑫᐤ (iichihtuukashkweu)
it (anim) has divided hooves

ᐄᒋᐦᑑᓲ (iichihtuusuu)
it (anim) forks

ᐄᒋᐧᑳᐦᑎᑳᐤ (iichikwaahtikaau)
there is frost on the trees

ᐄᒋᐧᑳᐦᑎᑳᐸᓐ (iichikwaahtikaapan)
there is frost on the trees in the morning

ᐄᒋᐧᑳᐱᔅᒋᐸᔫ (iichikwaapischipayuu)
frost, steam forms on it (metal, glass)

ᐄᒋᐧᑳᐸᓐ (iichikwaapan)
it is frosty morning

ᐄᒋᑑᔥᑎᐧᑳᐤ (iichituushtikwaau)
the river divides, forked

ᐄᒋᑯᐸᔫ (iichikupayuu)
it (window) frosts up

ᐄᒋᑯᑌᐤ (iichikuteu)
it is frosty

ᐄᒋᑯᑎᓐ (iichikutin)
it has frost form on it

ᐄᒋᑯᒎ (iichikuchuu)
it (anim) has frost form on it

ᐄᒋᓀᐦᐊᒻ (iichineham)
s/he goes driving from one to the next

ᐄᒋᓀᐦᐧᐁᐤ (iichinehweu)
s/he goes driving from one to the next (anim)

ᐄᒋᓀᔥᑯᐧᐁᐤ (iichineshkuweu)
s/he walks from one to the next (anim)

ᐄᒋᓀᔥᑲᒻ (iichineshkam)
s/he walks from one to the next (inan)

ᐄᒋᔥᑑᔥᑎᐧᑫᐸᔫ (iichishtuushtikwepayuu)
two branches flow out from the main river

ᐄᒌᒥᓇᒡ (iichiiminach)
split peas