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ᐃᔨᐦᒑᔮᒋᐦᑎᓐ (iyihchaayaachihtin)
it leans against something and outlines the shape of it

ᐃᔨᐦᒑᔮᒋᔑᓐ (iyihchaayaachishin)
s/he leans against something showing the outline of her/his shape

ᐃᔨᐦᒡ (iyihch)

ᐃᔨᐧᐋᐱᒋᑭᓐ (iyiwaapichikin)

ᐃᔨᐧᐋᐳᐧᐋᐤ (iyiwaapuwaau)
brant goose Branta bernicla

ᐃᔨᐧᐋᑯᑖᐤ (iyiwaakutaau)
it overhangs, has a fringe

ᐃᔨᐧᐋᑯᒋᓐ (iyiwaakuchin)
it (anim) overhangs, has a fringe

ᐃᔨᐧᐋᒋᐦᑎᓐ (iyiwaachihtin)
there is more than what is needed, it overhangs

ᐃᔨᐧᐋᒋᐱᔨᐤ (iyiwaachipiyiu)
it (anim) exceeds, is left over, s/he has some left over

ᐃᔨᐧᐋᒋᐱᔨᐤ (iyiwaachipiyiu)
it is left over

ᐃᔨᐧᐋᒡ (iyiwaach)

ᐃᔨᐲᐅᑖᔑᐤ (iyipiiutaashiu)
s/he, it (anim) is covered by blowing snow

ᐃᔨᑎᒫᑎᔅᒋᓈᐤ (iyitimaatischinaau)
s/he has her/his shoes, boots on the wrong feet

ᐃᔨᑎᒫᔥᑖᐤ (iyitimaashtaau)
s/he walks with toes pointing out

ᐃᔨᑯᓂᔅᑳᐤ (iyikuniskaau)
dwelling has a small opening on top because the covers on it are high on the frame

ᐃᔨᒋᐦᑎᐧᐃᓰᐤ (iyichihtiwisiiu)
it (anim) forks, lower part of the body

ᐃᔨᒋᔥᑎᐧᐃᒨ (iyichishtiwimuu)
the path forks

ᐃᔨᒋᔥᑎᐧᐃᔥᑎᐧᑳᐤ (iyichishtiwishtikwaau)
the river forks

ᐃᔨᓐ (iyin)
it happens, occurs

ᐃᔨᓵᐧᐋᓯᓂᐧᐋᐤ (iyisaawaasiniwaau)
s/he thinks that s/he recognizes him/her, it (anim)

ᐃᔨᔅᑭᒥᒋᓂᒻ (iyiskimichinim)
s/he buries it in moss, ground

ᐃᔨᔅᑭᒥᒋᓈᐤ (iyiskimichinaau)
s/he, it (anim) buries it (anim) in moss, ground

ᐃᔨᔖᒡ (iyishaach)
with extreme effort, unwillingly, in spite of

ᐃᔨᔨᒥᐦᐊᒻ (iyiyimiham)
s/he paddles, swims against the wind

ᐃᔨᔨᒥᐦᐋᐤ (iyiyimihaau)
s/he makes the effort to do something to it (anim) but does not succeed when s/he could have

ᐃᔨᔨᒥᐱᔨᐤ (iyiyimipiyiu)
s/he, it (anim) goes, moves, travels against the wind by vehicle

ᐃᔨᔨᒥᐱᔨᐤ (iyiyimipiyiu)
it goes, moves, travels against the wind

ᐃᔨᔨᒥᑯᐦᑎᑖᐤ (iyiyimikuhtitaau)
s/he makes it face into the wind on water

ᐃᔨᔨᒥᑯᐦᑎᓐ (iyiyimikuhtin)
it floats in the water facing the wind

ᐃᔨᔨᒥᑯᐦᒋᒫᐤ (iyiyimikuhchimaau)
s/he places it (anim) in the water facing the wind

ᐃᔨᔨᒥᑯᐦᒋᓐ (iyiyimikuhchin)
s/he, it (anim) faces the wind in the water

ᐃᔨᔨᒥᑯᒋᓐ (iyiyimikuchin)
s/he, it (anim) flies, hangs against the wind

ᐃᔨᔨᒥᓈᑯᐦᐋᐤ (iyiyiminaakuhaau)
s/he makes it (anim) but it looks like it will not last long

ᐃᔨᔨᒥᓈᑯᐦᑖᐤ (iyiyiminaakuhtaau)
s/he makes it but it looks like it will not last long

ᐃᔨᔨᒥᓈᑯᓐ (iyiyiminaakun)
it looks weak, small

ᐃᔨᔨᒥᓈᑯᓯᐤ (iyiyiminaakusiu)
s/he, it (anim) looks weak, small

ᐃᔨᔨᒥᓰᐤ (iyiyimisiiu)
s/he, it (anim) is weak, slow

ᐃᔨᔨᒥᔥᑭᒻ (iyiyimishkim)
s/he, it (anim) walks against the wind

ᐃᔨᔨᒫᒋᐧᐃᓐ (iyiyimaachiwin)
upstream from the rapids

ᐃᔨᔨᒫᔨᐦᑖᑯᓯᐤ (iyiyimaayihtaakusiu)
s/he, it (anim) is in a weakened condition, does not make enough effort

ᐃᔨᔨᒻ (iyiyim)
against the wind

ᐃᔨᔪᐧᐃᔑᓂᒡ (iyiyuwishinich)
the waves are coming onto the shore

ᐃᔨᔮᔅᑯᓐ (iyiyaaskun)
the ice surface is not hard enough to travel on

ᐃᔪᐧᐃᐦᐧᐋᐤ (iyuwihwaau)
she pumps her breasts for milk

ᐃᔪᐧᐃᓰᐤ (iyuwisiiu)
it (anim) is fresh food (freshly killed fish or animal)

ᐃᔪᐧᐃᓵᐤ (iyuwisaau)
it is fresh food

ᐃᔪᐧᐃᔑᐧᐋᔮᔥᑎᓐ (iyuwishiwaayaashtin)
the flame flickers in the wind

ᐃᔪᐧᐋᐱᔨᐤ (iyuwaapiyiu)
there is a breeze (used with a preverb)

ᐃᔪᐧᐋᔮᔑᐤ (iyuwaayaashiu)
there is a light breeze

ᐃᔪᔅᒋᐹᒥᒌᐤ (iyuschipaamichiiu)
it grows well because of the moisture