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ᐁᐅᐧᑳᓂᔦᓀᔫ eukwaaniyeneyuu
[pro, pro,focus, absent]
that's the absent thing, away it went (inan obviative)

ᐁᐅᐧᑳᓂᔦᐦᑳ eukwaaniyehkaa
[pro, pro,focus, absent]
so there they go (plural anim, said just after someone has left)

ᐁᐅᐧᑳᓂᔦᐦᑳᓈᓂᒡ eukwaaniyehkaanaanich
[pro, pro,focus, absent]
so there s/he goes (plural obv anim, said just after someone has left, used for humans)

ᐁᐅᐧᑳᓂᔦᐦᑳᓈᓐᐦ eukwaaniyehkaanaanh
[pro, pro,focus, absent]
so there the things go (plural obv anim and inan, said just after someone has left, used for humans)

ᐁᐅᐧᑳᓂᔮ eukwaaniyaa
[pro, pro,focus, absent]
so there it goes (said just after something, ex truck, skidoo, has left or something is gone for good)

ᐁᐅᐧᑳᓂᔮᐦ eukwaaniyaah
[pro, pro,focus, absent]
so there they go (said just after something, ex dog, children, have left or are gone for good)

ᐁᐅᐧᑳᓈ eukwaanaa
[pro, pro,focus, absent]
that's the absent one, so there s/he goes (plural obv anim, said just after someone has left, used for humans)

ᐆᔦᐦᑳᐦ uuyehkaah
[pro, pro,dem, absent]
this absent one, these absent ones (anim obviative, see uuyaa)

ᐊᐧᐁᓂᐸᓐ awenipan
[pro, pro,indefinite,preterit]
absent person, still expected to arrive (old term) (see awen)

ᐊᐧᐁᔨᒉᓂᐦᐄ aweyichenihii
[pro, question,dubitative]
I wonder who, whoever, people (obviative, see aweche)

ᐊᐧᐁᔨᒉᓐᐦ aweyichenh
[pro, question,dubitative]
I wonder who, whoever, people (obviative, see aweche)

ᐊᓀᔫᐦ aneyuuh
[pro, dem]
those over there, those yonder (anim or inan obviative); that one over there, that yonder (anim obviative) (see naa or ne)

ᐊᓂᔦᔫᐦ aniyeyuuh
[pro, dem]
that one, that (obviative anim); those (obviative anim or inan, see an))

ᐊᓂᔦᐦᑳᓈᓂᒡ aniyehkaanaanich
[pro, pro,dem, absent]
deceased, late, missing (anim plural, see aniyaa)

ᐊᓂᔦᐦᑳᐦ aniyehkaah
[pro, dem, absent]
deceased, late, missing (anim obviative singular and plural, see aniyaa)

ᐋᐅᔫᐦ aauyuuh
[pro, dem, question]
could s/he be the one? could they be the ones? (obv anim, see aau)

ᑖᓃᒉᓐᐦ taaniichenh
[pro, question,dubitative]
I wonder which one (animate obviative), which ones (anim or inan) (see taaniiche)

ᑯᑕᒃᐦ kutakh
[pro, alternative]
other, another (anim obviative), others, other ones (anim obv or prox; inan obv) (see kutak)

ᒉᐧᑳᒉᓂᐦᐄᐦ chekwaachenihiih
[pro, question,dubitative]
whatever they (inan) are I wonder what they are (see checkwaache)

ᒉᐧᑳᒉᓐᐦ chekwaachenh
[pro, question,dubitative]
whatever they (inan) are I wonder what they are (see checkwaache)

ᒉᐧᑳᓃᒉ chekwaaniiche
[pro, question,dubitative]
whatever it is, I wonder what it is (less used) (see checkwaache)

ᒉᐧᑳᔨᒉ chekwaayiche
[pro, question,dubitative]
whatever it is, I wonder what it is (see checkwaache)

ᒉᐧᑳᔨᒉᓂᐦᐄᐦ chekwaayichenihiih
[pro, question,dubitative]
whatever they (inan) are, I wonder what they (inan) are (see checkwaache)

ᒉᐧᑳᔨᒉᓐᐦ chekwaayichenh
[pro, question,dubitative]
whatever they (inan) are, I wonder what they (inan) are (see checkwaache)

ᒫᐅᒌ maauchii
[pro, pro,dem]
here they are, here these are (anim, accompanied by a gesture of the hand or pointing with the lips) (see maau)

ᒫᐅᒌᒡ maauchiich
[pro, pro,dem]
here they are, here these are (anim, accompanied by a gesture of the hand or pointing with the lips) (see maau)

ᒫᐅᔫ maauyuu
[pro, dem]
here it is , here this one is (inan, accompanied by a gesture of the hand or pointing with the lips) (see maau)

ᒫᐅᔫᐦ maauyuuh
[pro, dem]
here s/he/it is , here this one is (anim or inan) (accompanied by a gesture of the hand or pointing with the lips) (see maau)

ᒫᐅᐦᐄᐦ maauhiih
[pro, dem]
here they are, here these are (inan, accompanied by a gesture of the hand or pointing with the lips) (see maau)

ᒫᐤ maau
[pro, dem]
here s/he/it is, here this one is (obviative an), here are these (anim or inan, accompanied by a gesture of the hand or pointing with the lips) (see maau)

ᒫᓀ maane
[pro, dem]
there it is over there, way over there is that one (inan, accompanied by a gesture of the hand or pointing with the lips) (see maane)

ᒫᓀᒌ maanechii
[pro, pro,dem]
there they are over there, way over there are those (anim, accompanied by a gesture of the hand or pointing with the lips) (see maanaah)

ᒫᓀᒌᒡ maanechiich
[pro, pro,dem]
there they are over there, way over there are those (anim, accompanied by a gesture of the hand or pointing with the lips) (see maanaah)

ᒫᓀᔫ maaneyuu
[pro, dem]
there it is over there, way over there is that one (obviative inan, accompanied by a gesture of the hand or pointing with the lips) (see maane)

ᒫᓀᔫᐦ maaneyuuh
[pro, dem]
there s/he/it (anim) is over there, way over there is that one (obviative anim), there they are over there, way over there are those (obviative anim or inan) ( accompanied by a gesture of the hand or pointing with the lips) (see maanaah or maane)

ᒫᓀᐦᐄᐦ maanehiih
[pro, dem]
there they are over there, way over there are those (inan, accompanied by a gesture of the hand or pointing with the lips) (see maane)

ᒫᓂᒌ maanichii
[pro, dem]
there they are, there are those (an, accompanied by a gesture of the hand or pointing with the lips) (see maan)

ᒫᓂᒌᒡ maanichiich
[pro, dem]
there they are, there are those (an, accompanied by a gesture of the hand or pointing with the lips) (see maan)

ᒫᓂᔫᐦ maaniyuuh
[pro, dem]
there s/he/it (anim) is (obviative an) there are those (inan or an, accompanied by a gesture of the hand or pointing with the lips) (see maan)

ᒫᓂᐦᐄᐦ maanihiih
[pro, dem]
there they are, there are those (inan, accompanied by a gesture of the hand or pointing with the lips) (see maan)

ᒫᓈᐦ maanaah
[pro, dem]
there s/he/it (anim) is over there, that one is way over there (anim, accompanied by a gesture of the hand or pointing with the lips) (see maanaah)

ᒫᓐ maan
[pro, dem]
there s/he/it is, there that one is (anim or inan, accompanied by a gesture of the hand or pointing with the lips) (see maan)

ᐧᒫᐅᒌ mwaauchii
[pro, dem]
here they are, here these are (anim, accompanied by a gesture of the hand or pointing with the lips) (see maau)

ᐧᒫᐅᒌᒡ mwaauchiich
[pro, dem]
here they are, here these are (anim, accompanied by a gesture of the hand or pointing with the lips) (see maau)

ᐧᒫᐅᔫ mwaauyuu
[pro, dem]
here it is , here this one is (inan, accompanied by a gesture of the hand or pointing with the lips) (see maau)

ᐧᒫᐅᔫᐦ mwaauyuuh
[pro, pro,dem]
here s/he/it is , here this one is (anim or inan) (accompanied by a gesture of the hand or pointing with the lips) (see maau)

ᐧᒫᐅᐦᐄᐦ mwaauhiih
[pro, dem]
here they are, here these are (inan, accompanied by a gesture of the hand or pointing with the lips) (see maau)

ᐧᒫᐤ mwaau
[pro, dem]
here s/he/it is, here this one is (anim or inan, accompanied by a gesture of the hand or pointing with the lips) (see maau)

ᐧᒫᓀ mwaane
[pro, dem]
there it is over there, that one is way over there (inan, accompanied by a gesture of the hand or pointing with the lips) (see maane)

ᐧᒫᓀᒌ mwaanechii
[pro, pro,dem]
there they are over there, way over there are those (anim, accompanied by a gesture of the hand or pointing with the lips) (see maanaah)

ᐧᒫᓀᒌᒡ mwaanechiich
[pro, dem]
there they are over there, way over there are those (anim, accompanied by a gesture of the hand or pointing with the lips) (see maanaah)

ᐧᒫᓀᔫ mwaaneyuu
[pro, dem]
there it is over there, way over there is that one (obviative inan, accompanied by a gesture of the hand or pointing with the lips) (see maane)

ᐧᒫᓀᔫᐦ mwaaneyuuh
[pro, dem]
there s/he/it (anim) is over there, way over there is that one (obviative anim), there they are over there, way over there are those (obviative anim or inan) ( accompanied by a gesture of the hand or pointing with the lips) (see maanaah or maane)

ᐧᒫᓀᐦᐄᐦ mwaanehiih
[pro, dem]
there they are over there, way over there are those (inan, accompanied by a gesture of the hand or pointing with the lips) (see maane)

ᐧᒫᓂᒌ mwaanichii
[pro, dem]
there they are, there are those (an, accompanied by a gesture of the hand or pointing with the lips) (see maan)

ᐧᒫᓂᒌᒡ mwaanichiich
[pro, dem]
there they are, there are those (anim, accompanied by a gesture of the hand or pointing with the lips) (see maan)

ᐧᒫᓂᔫ mwaaniyuu
[pro, dem]
there it is, there that one is (inan obviative, accompanied by a gesture of the hand or pointing with the lips) (see maan)

ᐧᒫᓂᔫᐦ mwaaniyuuh
[pro, dem]
there s/he/it (anim) is (obviative an), there are those (inan or an) (accompanied by a gesture of the hand or pointing with the lips) (see maan)

ᐧᒫᓂᐦᐄᐦ mwaanihiih
[pro, dem]
there are those (inan, accompanied by a gesture of the hand or pointing with the lips) (see maan)

ᐧᒫᓈᐦ mwaanaah
[pro, dem]
there s/he/it (anim) is over there, that one is way over there (anim, accompanied by a gesture of the hand or pointing with the lips) (see maanaah)

ᐧᒫᓐ mwaan
[pro, dem]
there s/he/it is, there that one is (anim or inan, accompanied by a gesture of the hand or pointing with the lips) (see maan)

ᓀᔫᐦ neyuuh
[pro, dem]
those over there, those yonder (anim or inan obviative); that one over there, that yonder (anim obviative) (see naa or ne)

ᐅᔮᔨᐤᐦ uyaayiuh
[pro, dem]
this (obviative animate), these (inanimate or obviative animate) (see uu)

ᒫᐅᒌ maauchii
[pro, pro,dem]
here they are (animate plural, often used with gesture of hand or lips) (see maau)

ᒫᐅᔮ maauyaa
[pro, dem]
this, this one here (inanimate, often used with gesture of hand or lips) (see maau)

ᒫᐅᔮᔨᐤ maauyaayiu
[pro, dem]
here it is, right here (inanimate obviative, often used with gesture of hand or lips) (see maau)

ᒫᐅᔮᔨᐤᐦ maauyaayiuh
[pro, dem]
this, these here (anim obviative, inanimate obviative plural, often used with gesture of hand or lips) (see maau)

ᒫᐅᔮᐦ maauyaah
[pro, dem]
this, this here (animate obviative), these, these here (inanimate plural) (often used with gesture of hand or lips) (see maau)

ᒫᐅᐦᐄ maauhii
[pro, pro,dem]
these things here (inanimate plural, often used with gesture of hand or lips) (see maau)

ᒫᐤ maau
[pro, dem]
here s/he/it is , here this one is (animate or inanimate, accompanied by a gesture of the hand or pointing with the lips) (see maau)

ᒫᓂᒌ maanichii
[pro, dem]
there they are, there are those (animate plural, accompanied by a gesture of the hand or pointing with the lips) (see maan)

ᒫᓂᔮ maaniyaa
[pro, dem]
there it is, there that one is (inanimate obviative, accompanied by a gesture of the hand or pointing with the lips) (see maan)

ᒫᓂᔮᔨᐤ maaniyaayiu
[pro, dem]
there it is, there that one is (inanimate obviative, accompanied by a gesture of the hand or pointing with the lips) (see maan)

ᒫᓂᔮᔨᐤᐦ maaniyaayiuh
[pro, dem]
there it is (obviative anim) , there are those ones (obviative plural animate or inanimate) ( accompanied by a gesture of the hand or pointing with the lips) (see maan)

ᒫᓂᔮᐦ maaniyaah
[pro, dem]
there it is (obviative animate) , there are those ones (obviative plural animate or inanimate) (accompanied by a gesture of the hand or pointing with the lips) (see maan)

ᒫᓂᐦᐄ maanihii
[pro, dem]
way over there are those ones (inanimate plural, accompanied by a gesture of the hand or pointing with the lips) (see maan)

ᒫᓈ maanaa
[pro, dem]
there it is over there, way over there is that one (inanimate, accompanied by a gesture of the hand or pointing with the lips)

ᒫᓈᒌ maanaachii
[pro, pro,dem]
way over there are those ones (animate plural, accompanied by a gesture of the hand or pointing with the lips) (see maanaah)

ᒫᓈᐦ maanaah
[pro, dem]
there s/he/it (anim) is over there, that one is way over there (animate, accompanied by a gesture of the hand or pointing with the lips) (see maanaah)

ᒫᓈᐦᐄ maanaahii
[pro, dem]
way over there are those ones (inanimate plural, accompanied by a gesture of the hand or pointing with the lips) (see maanaa)

ᒫᓐ maan
[pro, dem]
there s/he/it is, there that one is (animate or inanimate, accompanied by a gesture of the hand or pointing with the lips) (see maan)

ᓈᒌ naachii
[pro, dem]
way over there are those ones (animate plural, accompanied by a gesture of the hand or pointing with the lips) (see maanaah)

ᓈᐦᐄ naahii
[pro, dem]
way over there are those ones (inanimate plural, accompanied by a gesture of the hand or pointing with the lips) (see maanaa)